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Get affordable college advice from current college students admitted to UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSB, SDSU & Cal Poly. We'll share tips, tricks and winning strategies and boost your chances of getting into your dream school.

AI Counselor


Our AI Counselor analyzes thousands of successful applicants and gives students actionable steps for a winning application

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About Our Counselors

Constructive Feedback

We provide constructive feedback on personal statements and application essays

Culturalry Sensitive

We understand diverse backgrounds and perspectives and provide inclusive and equitable support to all

Admission Experts

We stay up-to-date on college trends, acceptance rates, and scholarship opportunities.

Trust & Connection

We built trust to better understand students' anxieties, hopes, and experiences and help draw out their authentic voices

TAG Expertise

We've been through the TAG program and can share tips and tricks to getting into your dream California University.

Sharing our Bag of Tricks

As students we have figured out a number of unique work-a-rounds to help increase a student's chances of success.


Frequently asked questions

Why do I need a college counselor?

Some students benefit from additional guidance, especially if they're navigating complex circumstances, aiming for highly selective schools, or feeling overwhelmed by the process. Others may find sufficient support from school resources, parents, and online tools.

What can I expect from the meetings?

Discuss topics like your academic goals, interests, extracurriculars, college list and application strategies. Expect your counselor to provide guidance, feedback, and encouragement.

Do you guarantee admission to schools?

Ha. No reputable counselor can guarantee admission and if they do you should run away fast. The role of a college counselor is to maximize your chances by guiding you towards a strong application strategy.

How often do we meet?

Frequency depends on your needs and the stage of the application process. More frequent meetings are common during essay writing and deadlines.

How much will it cost?

Costs vary depending on experience, location, and hours of services needed. Our AI tool offers free counseling, while our student counselors charge hourly rates starting at $50/hr and package deals as low as $200.  

How do they help me write my essays?

Counselors provide feedback, offer brainstorming suggestions, and help refine your drafts. Ultimately, the essay content and voice should be your own.

What happens if I don't like my counselor?

Open communication is crucial. Discuss any concerns you have and we will reach a solution you feel comfortable with.