The #1 College
Prediction App

Instantly Calculate Your Admission Odds & Compare Yourself With Students At Top Universities

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Predictive Analytics For College Admissions

Unlock College Admissions Secrets With ChanceMe

Chancing Tool

Our AI-powered prediction tool helps students to determine their college admission odds

Profile Library

Our library of success stories inspires students with real-world profiles and application examples

Essay Review

Coming Soon! Our essay review services will be able to provide instant feedback and guidance

Chancing App

Predict Your Admission Chances For Any College

Determine your admission odds in seconds without having to dissect confusing scattergrams

Instant. Systematic. Accurate.

Our easy-to-use app quickly and accurately predicts your college admission chances.

Apply smarter, not wider.

Applying to each college usually costs $70 and up. Target the schools that truly fit you and save thousands of dollars.

Profile Library

Explore Student Profiles & Applications

Review our free library of successful profiles, essays and applications

What Are My Chances?

Review profiles to better determine your chances at getting into your dream school

What Do I Need To Improve?

Use application data to help improve your activities & experiences so you'll stand out when it's time to apply

Step by step

How it works

Enter Your Info

Provide info on your dream schools, majors, GPA, test scores, awards and activities. No CC or login required.

We Crunch The Data

Our advanced AI and predictive analytics engine calculates your chances of admission at your dream schools

Receive Analysis

In seconds, you'll receive a detailed report with your admission odds and suggestions on colleges to consider


What students say about us

“I applied for 20 colleges and ended up only getting into 4 wasting tons of time and over $1K. I wish I had ChanceMe last year!”


"Not sure what AI they use but it's way better than ChatGPT. The advice I received helped me to put together a great application. "


"ChanceMe's feeback helped me to streamline my ideas and form templates that I used across several different applications. Highly recommend. "


“It looks like the Ivy schools I was hoping to attend are out of reach due to my GPA and test scores - tough to hear but now I can focus on other schools I can actually get into”


"ChanceMe's free library of profiles helped me gauge what I need to do to attend my dream school. I'm now looking for leadership opportunities so I will stand out to colleges."


"This is the best chancing tool I've found. Others require you to login and enter too much data - ChanceMe only took seconds and I never even had to register. "
